Prevention Dry Skin In Winter

Prevention Dry Skin In Winter
Dry Skin Solution Prevention winter
Dry Skin Solution
When the winter sitting in front of the door, it's time to fight for change in our skin, we all face. If you have a tight skin after washing your face or chronically dry skin all over the world, many of us, dry skin is a common concern. Learn how to treat dry skin and restores moisture.

Dry skin occurs when moisture in the skin layers have been lost. It consists of skin cells, oils and fats, the outer layer of skin holds moisture and protects the harmful substances such as bacteria and other irritants. The drying of the outer surface of losing a protective function, the acne and skin than other causes.

Your skin may become dry and lose moisture to the surface a number of factors such as environment and genetics. Several other workers for dry skin:

Sun damage The sun emits harmful ultraviolet rays that cause the skin so that the cells go to overtime in our inability to retain moisture weakens.

Decrease in oil production. As we get older, slowed down chemical changes in the skin sebum production down usually results in the skin look dry.

Environment. Each season, leading to changes in humidity, a change in the level of skin moisture. Geography and environment at home can also affect the skin. to the north and southwest areas of the driest climate in the workplace leave dry skin. Heating and air conditioning equipment, including air and draw moisture from the skin surface.

Diseases. Some health conditions can also be brittle. Some examples are diabetes, thyroid disease, cancer, AIDS and renal disease. Dry skin is common in patients with psoriasis and eczema.

Drugs. There are many prescription and OTC drugs, the skin can cause as cholesterol-lowering drugs and diuretics. Retinoid creams, acne and skin aging, such as the drying effects known. ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide can leave skin looking dry and scaly. If you include the treatment of acne product, benzoyl peroxide, use the reduction in the number of visits per day to try for these treatments. Acne skin needs moisture, so the more oil-free moisturizer with a range of skin care and carry out at least once a day with the drought fight.

Some medications increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight, which leads to increased UV radiation, which the skin's ability to retain moisture effect.

If you suffer from dry skin, do not worry, there are few effective therapies for these difficult times.

Avoid hot water. Although the steam room to relax on your way to, hot water strips the natural oils from the skin and protect from moisture. Set the temperature of the heater and the bathroom only once a week for 10-20 minutes.

be cleaned. If you wash your face, you choose to wash a soft, creamy soap, dirt and impurities from the skin drying out the skin's natural oils. Murad Moisture Rico Non-foaming cleaner cleans effectively without drying out the skin.

You should also avoid heavily scented perfumes can cause or detergents, the drought. Instead, compare options without perfume. In the shower, you must use soap or shower gel lather.

Soda. To save water so that moisturize the skin and the outer layer to prevent moisture. To keep your skin dry and itchy skin is to find models, lanolin, shea butter, petrolatum, mineral oil, containing glycerin, dimethicone and hyaluronic acid.
Superficially development Murad Night Cream contains essential fatty acids to keep moisture and sunflower oil on the skin and noticeably smooth.
Moisturize often. In particular, the dry season apply a moisturizer to three or four times a day, and only a few minutes in the shower and wash your face and hands.
Sunscreen. Protect yourself from harmful sun rays that penetrate the skin and prevents moisture. Sunscreens protect age spots, wrinkles and may help prevent skin cancer. Find a sunscreen for dry skin with moisture SPF 15 or higher add conceived.
Handkerchief. The best way to moisture when the humidity is low, running a humidifier, especially during the cold months. Find varieties of table and pull even consider your heating system automatically collects moisture when it is warm.
If you tried to strengthen the game lotion, but they still suffer from dry, flaky skin, try a one percent hydrocortisone cream reduces itching and irritation. If you do not to try the results from weeks to call the doctor. They may require antihistamines or steroids may be useful.

Dry Skin Solution

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